
Let’s do some introductions.

Ken Sigler is a college admissions expert, with nearly 25 years of experience at institutions from a large state school to a smaller private school. He also coaches individual high school students and parents through the admissions process, choosing a school and pursuing scholarships and financial aid options.

Kristie Sigler and Mary Sterenberg both teach at a large public university, with nearly 15 years of experience teaching and advising college students. 

Kristie taught high school English before moving to the college setting. She specializes in written communication and public speaking, and often reviews applications and essays submitted by both high school and college students.

Mary worked in the corporate world before her shift to higher education. She teaches and advises a large pre-professional student organization, where she mentors student leaders.

Bottom line: We know a lot about the college admissions process and college life (and really like college students). We’re also parents who understand the stress of this major time of transition.

Fun Facts About Kristie & Ken

We’d rather be

in the mountains

grateful for

our two sons

how we met

preschool (yes, really)

Favorite place

Asheville, NC

Our weekends

sports & shenanigans

Our Pets

dogs Rocky & griffin

Fun Facts About Mary

I’d rather be


grateful for

my three kids

favorite pastime


Favorite place

on a lake

my weekends

so many sports

My Pets

Rocky dog and stinky guinea pigs